Building Inventory

For the scenarios below you are going to need to access your Buildings Inventory. To do that click on the Crate Icon from the District Map and then click on the Buildings icon.

Adding a Building to a Land Plot from your Inventory

Another way that you can start the process of adding a Building is through your Buildings Inventory. Open your inventory by clicking on the "Crate Icon" in the main UI.

Click on "Select Plot" and it will take you back to the District Map.

Click on Select Plot from your Inventory and you will be returned to the District Map.

When you return to the District Map you will see that all the plots are greyed out except for the ones that are available to Add a Building. These are both plots you own as well as other players that have plots open for rent.

Only the plots that are availble will be visible in color. Everythig else will be greyed out.

You can then click on one of the plots that you like and the Building Modal will appear. Click on "Stake Building", Sign the contract and the building will be added.

The Building Modal will appear when you click on one of your plots or on a plot thats available for rent.

Set Wages for Your Building

Click on the Inventory Icon and select the "Set Wage" button for the building you want to set the Wage for.

The "Set Wage Modal" will then be displayed. You will need to determine if the building is for your own team of Skilled Workers or if you plan to use others. Check the box if you are using your own or leave it unchecked to use others.

The default wage is 1 Obsidian which is fixed for MVP. If you are using Skilled Workers from another player 1 OBSD will be deducted from your storage and sent to theirs. If you are using your own workers. 1 OBSD will be deducted from your storage but will be returned to your storage when your own Skilled Worker starts their shift.

There is a max cap of 3 Skilled Workers per shift. You will need:

  • 3 Obsidian

  • 45 Energy Resources

  • 45 Building Materials

This covers the cost to fill three shifts. Once the 3 Shifts have been completed you will need to repeat the "Set Wage" action.

Cancel Wage Contract in your Building.

Whether you have set up the building to use your own building or to hire it out to other players you can Cancel the Wage contract if there are no Active Shifts. You may have decided to use one of your own Skilled Workers but then change your mind and decide you want to use other player's workers for your building.

You can only complete the Cancel Wage action if there are 0 active shifts in your building. Click on the Inventory Icon and then Buildings. Find the building where you want to cancel the wage contract and then click the "Cancel" button. Sign the contract and you can then reset the wages for the building.

Release Skilled Workers out of your Building

If you have your own Skilled Workers or more importantly if you are using other player's Skilled Workers you can release them from the Building by clicking on "Release Workers" once their shift has ended.

The Release Workers action is handy as it allows you to take control and release the Workers faster if needed vs waiting for another player to free up a shift for another Skilled Worker.

You can release a Skilled Worker(s) once a shift ends. This allows you to free up your shift slots for more workers.

If you are using your own Skilled Workers in the building you can also release workers from the building by triggering the "Feed Worker" action from the Inventory tab. You can read more on this in the Skilled Worker Inventory section.

Last updated