Speed Ups
A speed up is designed to be staked with a timer on any card, excepting the cards with the active working shifts. When a speed up is staked to a timer it will increase that rate by 12,25 or 50 amount.
Chapter 1: Epic, Legendary and Mythic cards are used to stake as Speed Ups.
Epic Card
Increases the timer rate by 12%
Legendary Card, Gold Promo & Museum
Increases the timer rate by 25%
Mythic Card
Increases the timer rate by 50%
Actions that can be Sped Up
Upgrading Storage
An individual Skilled Worker's rest time (cool down)
Speed Up tab in Inventory
1. Speed Ups Icon – When you click it, you go to the Speed Ups screen in the Inventory modal
2. Stake Speed Ups – When you click it, the list will only show the NFTs that are not currently staked in the game, so you can stake in bulk.
3. Unstake Speed Ups – When you click it, the list will only show the NFTs that are currently staked in the game, so you can unstake in bulk.
4. This card shows a Legendary card staked in the game and currently in use. It shows the mint number "#", the "staked" icon symbolizing it is staked in the game, the speed rate icon, the image of the card, the name of the card, and the count to when the Speed Up is complete. The name of the card has a link that when you click it, a modal will appear showing which Speed Up action this Speed Up is assigned to.
5. This card shows a Legendary card staked in the game but not being used. It shows the mint number "#", the icon symbolizing it is staked in the game, the speed rate icon, the image of the card, the name of the card and a button you can click to "unstake" it from the game and transfer it back to your wallet.
6. This card has completed the Speed Up. When you click the "Remove Speed Up" button, it will remove the speed up from the speed up action so it can be used again.
7. This card shows a Mythic card not staked in the game yet. It shows the mint "#" number, the speed rate icon, the image of the card, the name of the card and a button you can click to stake it to the game.
Speed Up tab – Detail Modal – NFT
1. Title of the modal
2. Title of the NFT
3. Mint Number
4. Card Level
5. Card Image
6. Action the speed up is assigned to
Speed up tab – Detail Modal – Storage Upgrade
1. Title of the modal
2. Title of storage that is being upgraded
3. Action the speed up is applied to
Speed up tab – Stake – Preselecting
1. Click the "Select" button to indicate that you want to stake the Speed Up NFT in the game
2. The "Stake Speed Ups" button will remain disabled until you have selected a Speed Up to enter.
3. You can only stake 20 speed up cards during 1 bulk action.
Speed up tab – Stake – Selecting Process
1. When you click the "Select" button a checkmark will be added over the NFT card and the "Select" button will show "Selected".
2. If you click the "Selected" button it will remove the checkmark and the "Selected" copy of the button will turn into "Select"
3. The "Stake Speed Ups" button will be enabled when you have at least 1 card selected. When you click on this button it will transfer the NFT card to the NOVO wallet and be available for you to use in the game.
Speed up tab – Unstake – Selecting Process
1. When you click the "Select" button a checkmark will be added over the NFT card and the button will turn into "Selected".
2. If you click the "Selected" button it will remove the checkmark and the copy of the button will show "Select".
3. The "Unstake Speed Ups" button will be enabled when you have at least 1 card selected. When you click this button it will transfer the NFT card from the NOVO wallet back to your wallet.
Add Speed Up to a Skilled Worker
1. "Add Speed Up" button – This button appears when the Skilled Worker is in the Rest/Cool Down state. When you click on this button it will display a modal to add a Speed Up to this card.
2. This button shows that there is a Speed Up staked to that card and the rate of the Speed Up. When you click the Speed Up indicator a modal of the speed up assigned to it will appear.
3. When the speed up is over, the Skilled Worker NFT will go into the "Wake Up" state. When you click the "Wake Up" button it will need to remove the Speed Up from the Skilled Worker card and make it available for you to use it again.
Speed Up Detail Modal
1. Title of modal
2. Title of NFT card
3. Mint of card
4. Speed up percentage of card
5. Picture of card
Add Speed Up Modal
1. Modal Title
2. This is a warning message that once the Speed Up is added it is staked to the task until it is complete.
3. List of all the not currently used Speed Ups NFTs that are in your wallet. It should be sorted with the NFT that has the highest rate first.
4. The "Select" button - When you click on this button, the card will get added to the time task and increase the rate of that count down to the NFT's rate value.
Updated Profile Modal
1. "Add Speed Up" button – This button appears when a resources storage is in use. When you click it, it'll display the "Add Speed Up Modal".
2. This button shows that there is a Speed Up staked to storage upgrade and the rate of the Speed Up. When you click the Speed Up applied icon, a modal will appear showing which Speed Up is assigned to it.
Last updated