Feed & Wake Workers
Feed Your Worker
Once your skilled worker has finished their shift they need to eat to trigger the rest cool down. To see if Workers need to be fed click on the Inventory Icon then Workers.
Workers that have finished their shift will display the "Feed Worker Button". Click the button to sign the contract and the Rest Period will begin. 15 Food Resources will be needed in your storage so you can send your worker to the resting state.
If you want to feed all the workers at once, click on the "Feed All Workers" button.
To feed all your workers at once you will need 15 Food Resources x the number of workers you need. These food resources will need to be in your storage to complete the Feed All Workers Action.
Wake Up Your Worker
Once your skilled worker has finished their rest period they need to be re-activated so they can go back into your available worker's pool. To see if Workers have finished their rest click on the Inventory Icon then Workers.
Workers that have finished their rest will display the "Wake Up Button". Click the button to sign the contract and your Skilled Worker will be available to use again.
If you want to wake all the workers at once, click on the "Wake All Workers" button.
Last updated