Upgrade Buildings & Skilled Workers
Upgrade buildings & Skilled Workers up to level 4
You are now able to Upgrade your NFTs in the game. Each NFT Upgrade will unlock additional value for that card and the Updated Image of the next level Skilled Workers and Buildings.
Business Rules
You can Upgrade more than one NFT at a time
You can add Story Cards to Speed Up the Upgrade time
An NFT can only be Upgraded if it isn’t in an active state
The NFT Card has to be staked in the game
You can add a lower level Skilled Worker NFT to a higher level of Building NFT
You can not add a higher level Skilled Worker NFT to a lower level of Building NFT
Skilled Workers Levels
Upgrade cost
Use cost & yield
Buildings Levels
Resource Buildings Upgrade cost & new duration / capacity
Residential Buildings Upgrade Costs
Updated Building Inventory Tab
An arrow icon symbolizing the building is able to be Upgraded will be displayed over the Card image, if you have enough resources to Upgrade the Cards. A Building can only be Upgraded when it doesn't have an active task.
2. This Card shows the state when a Building NFT is being Upgraded. You have the option to add a Speed Up to the Upgrade time.
3. This Card shows the state when a Building NFT upgrade is complete. You have to click the "Finalize Upgrade" button to finalize the Upgrade. This is when the NFT Card will be Upgraded. Also, if you were using a Speed Up on the Card, this action will also release the Speed Up from that NFT Card.
Building detail modal – ready to Upgrade
Shows the resources needed to Upgrade and the time it takes to Upgrade the NFT Card.
2. The "Upgrade" button will be enabled when you have enough resources to Upgrade the NFT. When your click on the Upgrade resource button, it will trigger the Upgrade building action.
Building detail modal – Upgrade in progress
Message saying the building is being Upgraded and a countdown until it is complete
Building detail modal – Upgrade is complete
Message saying the Upgrade is complete
2. You will have to click the "Finalize Upgrade" button to finalize the Upgrade. This is when the NFT Card will be Upgraded. Also, if you were using a Speed Up on the Card, this action will also release the Speed Up from that NFT Card.
Building detail modal – additional Upgrades coming soon
This shows that all the current Upgrades for this NFT Card is complete. Additional Upgraded levels will be coming soon.
Updated Skilled Workers Inventory Tab
An icon symbolizing the Skilled Worker NFT is able to be Upgraded will be displayed over the Card image, if you have enough resources to Upgrade the Cards. A Skilled Worker NFT can only be Upgraded when it doesn't have an active task.
2. This Card shows the state when a Skilled Worker NFT is being Upgraded. You have the option to add a Speed Up to the Upgrade time.
3. This Card shows the state when a Skilled Worker NFT Upgrade is complete. You will have to click the "Finalize Upgrade" button to finalize the Upgrade. This is when the NFT card will be Upgraded. Also, if you were using a Speed Up, this action will also release the Speed Up from that Card.
Skilled Worker detail modal – ready to Upgrade
Shows the resources needed to Upgrade and the time it takes to Upgrade the NFT Card.
2. The "Upgrade" button will be enabled when the user has enough resources to Upgrade the NFT. When you click on the Upgrade resource button, it will trigger the Upgrade Skilled Worker action.
SW detail modal – Upgrade in progress
Message saying the Skilled Worker is being Upgraded and a countdown until it is complete
SW detail modal – Upgrade is complete
Message saying the Upgrade is complete
2. You will have to click the "Finalize Upgrade" button to finalize the Upgrade. This is when the NFT Card will be Upgraded. Also, if you were using a Speed Up, this action will also release the Speed Up from that NFT Card.
Updated Set Wage Modal
This modal handles allowing a Building owner to place different level Skilled Workers. The Building owners will be charged for the shift when the Skilled Worker is added to the Building.
Shows the level of the Building and the capacity of the Building
2. The amount of OBSD a Skilled Worker will make per shift
3. The amount of energy and building materials needed for 1 Skilled Worker's shift. This will be the cost of the highest leveled Skilled Worker allowed in that Building.
4. Option to allow a Building owner to select that they will use their own Skilled Workers
5. A drop down that allows the user to select the minimum Skilled Worker level
6. The total cost for the all the Skilled Workers
Updated Set Wage Modal – Planned to use own Skilled Workers
You can select that you want to use your own Skilled Workers
"Set Wage" button
Last updated